I have a site "mysite.com" that is an asp.net MVC 5.2 application. To maintain separation of concerns I have implemented "blog.mysite.com" as a virtual application. It is the very cool MiniBlog by Mads Kristenson; a Razor Web Pages application in a virtual directory.
I want to reuse/embed my html header section from the root site, (the menu from "mysite.com", which is uses bootstrap 3 navbar), into the blog web site at "blog.mysite.com". Is this possible? Is there a relatively clean or slick way of doing this sort of thing? I'm trying to avoid having to maintain a copy of my root menu system in the virtual app.
Currently, the main site uses a partial view in the _Layout.cshtml to render the the menu/navbar. It's not static as different items are shown/hidden based on Request.IsAuthenticated and also some client side triggers.
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