mardi 3 mars 2015

Creating unique instances in spring mvc 3 parent Controller

I'm developing a web app using the Spring 3 framework. So, I have the next hierachy level in my controllers package:

public class BaseController {

protected ProblemService problemservice;

protected CodeService codeservice;

protected UserService userservice;

protected SessionRegistry session;

with children

public class CodeController extends BaseController{

public class ProblemController extends BaseController{

What i want is all these service of BaseController available to the children, but more like static resources, that is, all children share an unique instance of the father's services, and not a new instance of each as inheritance does. In that way, I tried this for each resource in BaseController:

protected static ProblemService problemservice;

but Spring throws a NullPointerException. So, is my idea at least correct? I mean, i do want to do what i said, but i dont know if it is a good approach at least.

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