mercredi 25 mars 2015

CQRS applying command handler business logic

I am apllying sample CQSR to an application. And I am confused about applying logical rules.

public class UserCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<CreateUserCommand>
private readonly IUserRepository repository;

public UserCommandHandler(IUserRepository repository)
this.repository = repository;

public void Handle(CreateUserCommand command)
User user = new User();
user.Username = command.Username;
user.Password = command.Password;
user.Email = command.Email;
user.CreteDate = DateTime.Now;
// Rules
var isUserDuplicated = repository.GetAll().Any(u => u.Username == command.Username);
var isEmailDuplicated = repository.GetAll().Any(u => u.Email == command.Email);


1- Where can I apply business rules to chack if username duplicated or email duplicated.

2- My command handler is void. So how can I send duplication notification to users?

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