lundi 30 mars 2015

Simpler Singleton Pattern

I have been reviewing some code of some old projects and I found a singleton there. It is a requirement to use a singleton and I was thinking of a way to make it look "simpler" when using.

I found, it would be easier to access the methods and properties like a static class. So I basically implemented a singleton using static methods to skip the requirement to use GetInstance(). This is how I implemented it:

public class ExampleSingleton
string someRequiredValue = "This is an example.";

/// <summary>
/// Private Constructor
/// </summary>
private ExampleSingleton() { }
private static volatile ExampleSingletoninstance;

/// <summary>
/// !!! PRIVATE !!!
/// Instance Property.
/// Returns the instance of this singleton.
/// (ThreadSafe)
/// </summary>
private static ExampleSingleton Instance
if (instance == null)
lock (_lock)
if (instance == null)
instance = new ExampleSingleton();

return instance;

/// <summary>
/// Example field contains a value that should be
/// accessible from outside.
/// </summary>
public static string SomeRequiredField
// Here you do the job you would have to do "outside"
// of the class normally.
return ExampleSingleton.Instance.someRequiredValue;

// Helper for a secure thread synchronisation.
private static object _lock = new object();

So when you want to access the singleton values you can just do it like this:

// Access the values like this
string requiredField = ExampleSingleton.SomeRequiredField;

// Instead of this
string requiredField = ExampleSingleton.Instance.SomeRequiredField;

// Or even this
string requiredField = ExampleSingleton.GetInstance().SomeRequiredField;

Am I violating the principles of the singleton pattern here? It basically is still a singleton pattern but the work of getting the instance is done internally. What could be the con's of this example? Are there other pro's?


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