vendredi 26 mai 2023

What design pattern should be implemented to make my code accord with Open-Closed Principle

Here is the code that violates the open-closed principle:

public Node? Run(Node node)
    if (node.NodeType == Enum.NodeTypeEnum.ManualTask)
        // do something
        return node.NextNodes.FirstOrDefault();

    else if (node.NodeType == Enum.NodeTypeEnum.ScriptTask)
        // do something
        return node.NextNodes.FirstOrDefault();
    else if (node.NodeType == Enum.NodeTypeEnum.ExclusiveGateway)
        // do something
        return node.NextNodes.FirstOrDefault();

Node entity:

public class Node: EntityBase
    public NodeTypeEnum NodeType { get; set; }
    public List<Node>? NextNodes { get; set; }
    public string? NodeCondition { get; set; }
    public int ScriptId { get; set; }

In the code, we have a node entity which has many types. For each types, we should do some specific operation.

I try to refactor the method as follows:

NodeRunner.cs file:

public class NodeRunner: INodeRunner
    public virtual bool IsMatch(NodeEntity node)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public virtual Node Run(NodeEntity node)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

ManualTask class:

public class ManualTask : NodeRunner
    public override bool IsMatch(NodeEntity node)
        return node.NodeType == NodeType.Manual;

    public override Node Run(NodeEntity node)
        return node.NextNodes.FirstOrDefault();

ScriptTask class:

public class ScriptTask : NodeRunner
    // ...
    public override bool IsMatch(NodeEntity node)
        return node.NodeType == NodeType.Script;

    public override Node Run(NodeEntity node)
        return node.NextNodes.FirstOrDefault();


public class ExclusiveGateway: NodeRunner
    public override bool IsMatch(NodeEntity node)
       return node.NodeType == NodeType.ExclusiveGateway;

    public override Node Run(Node node)
        if (node.NextNodes != null)
            foreach (var nextNode in node.NextNodes)
                if (_evaluateGatwayCondition.Evaluate(nextNode.NodeCondition, ""))
                    return nextNode;

        return new Node();

And the ProcessService.cs:

public class ProcessService : IProcessService
    private readonly List<NodeRunner> NodeBrances;

    public ProcessService()
        NodeBrances = new List<NodeRunner>
            new ManualTask(),
            new ScriptTask(),
            new ExclusiveGateway()

    public Node Run(Node node)
        return NodeBrances.First(nb => nb.IsMatch(node)).Run(node);

ExclusiveGateway does not work and throws a NotImplementedException().

What should I do?

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