jeudi 11 mai 2023

How to improve performance/design on this Blazor "excel-like" application?

I am developing a Blazor server application to replace Excel sheets that perform various calculations. Instead of a large grid containing all the cells, I am using a few Razor components with HTML tables, and the cells contain text inputs. The formulas for each cell are stored in a database using a format that is parseable through the FLEE library (expression evaluator).

During application startup, I retrieve all formulas from the database into memory, which is stored as a List of objects. Then, each cell input is value-bound to a property in my form class whose getter and setter interact with the List of formulas through a function.

Using Blazor's own lifecycle, every time the content is refreshed, the cell's input @bind attribute calls the property getter, which calls a function to retrieve the value associated with that cell's name. The function performs several string operations and finally evaluates the formula using FLEE to obtain the final value, which is displayed in the input.

However, I have encountered two problems. Firstly, as the formulas become more complex and the forms grow in size, the application's performance slows down significantly. Secondly, while the final value is being evaluated, I can interact with my Blazor page, but it only performs the desired action after many "refresh cycles" - for example, I click a button, but only after several seconds of calculations, the button action is called.

Now I will provide code snippets showing the application workflow

How formulas are store in DB:

| PropertyName | Value                 |
| ------------ | --------------------- |
| BMI          | = @Weight / @Height^2 |
| Height       |                       |
| Weight       |                       |

My razor page, containing the cells:

<EditForm Model=@BodyMeasurements>
    <div class="container form">
        <table class="table table-hover">
                         <input type="text" class="form-control @bind=Weight>
                         <input type="text" class="form-control @bind=Height>
                         <input type="text" class="form-control @bind=BMI readonly>
        </table class="table table-hover">

My form model

using System.Globalization;

namespace FitApp.Models.BodyMeasurements
    public class BodyMeasurements
        private readonly Calculator calc;

        public BodyMeasurements(Calc calc)
            this.calc = calc;

        public string? Weight
                return calc.RetrieveValue("UserWeight");
                calc.SetValue("UserWeight", value);
        public string? Height
                return calc.RetrieveValue("UserHeight");
                calc.SetValue("UserHeight", value);
        public string? BMI
                return calc.RetrieveValue("BMI");

My Calculator class

using FitApp.Models;

namespace FitApp.Models.BodyMeasurements
    public class Calculator
        public readonly List<UserAttributes> userAttributes;

        public DadosProposta(IEnumerable<UserAttributes> userAttributes)
            // Recebo os dados
            this.userAttributes = userAttributes.ToList();

        public void SetValue(string propertyName, object newValue)
            foreach (var result in userAttributes.Where(r => r.PropertyName == propertyName))
                result.Value = Convert.ToString(newValue);

        public string RetrieveValue(string propertyName)
                // Search for the attribute in the list
                UserAttributes result = userAttributes.FirstOrDefault(r => r.PropertyName == propertyName);

                // If not found, or null Value, returns null
                if (result is null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Value))
                    return null;

                // If value is not a formula, returns Value
                if (IsNotFormula(result.Value))
                    return result.Value.Trim();

                // Takes the formula as is
                string originalFormula = result.Value.Trim();

                // Simplifies the formula's IFs, if necessary, to reduce its size and execution time
                string simplifiedFormula = SimplifyIF(originalFormula).Item1;

                // Replaces the remaining references and VLOOKUPs with the values
                string replacedFormula = simplifiedFormula;

                while (replacedFormula is not null && (replacedFormula.Contains("VLOOKUPs") || replacedFormula.Contains('@')))
                    // Replaces references with numeric values
                    replacedFormula = TreatVLOOKUP(replacedFormula);
                    replacedFormula = ReplaceReferences(replacedFormula).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                string finalValue = "";

                // In case the translated formula is not yet in the table, or it is different in the library
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replacedFormula) && (result.TranslatedValue is null || result.TranslatedValue != replacedFormula))
                    // Get the field index in the library
                    var index = userAttributes.IndexOf(result);

                    // Stores the processed formula in the TranslatedValue column of the library
                    userAttributes[index].TranslatedValue = replacedFormula;

                    // Solves the formula
                    finalValue = SolveFormula(replacedFormula).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    // Updates the value in the library -- if it returns null, I leave it blank, so that null values are not calculated repeatedly
                    userAttributes[index].EvaluatedValue = finalValue ?? string.Empty;
                    // If already evaluated
                    finalValue = result.EvaluatedValue;

                return finalValue;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return string.Empty;

        private async Task<string> ReplaceReferences(string formula)
            // If there is still a reference
            if (formula is not null && formula.Contains('@'))
                // Iinitialize the list
                List<string> references = new();

                // Scans the text, looking for references
                foreach (var item in formula.Trim().Split('@'))
                    string name = string.Empty;

                    // Remove non-alphanumeric characters from substring
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.Length; i++)
                        if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(item[i]))
                            name += string.Concat(item[i]);

                    // I add it only once, to avoid repeated queries
                    if (!references.Contains(name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                // Sort the list, in descending order, by the number of characters
                references.Sort((a, b) => b.Length.CompareTo(a.Length));

                // If any found
                if (references.Count > 0)
                    // Get the attribute
                    UserAttributes result = userAttributes.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyName == references[0]) ?? null;

                    // If not found
                    if (result == null)
                        return null;
                        // Treat the value if it is empty
                        string value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Valor) ? "0" : result.Valor;

                        // If it is a simple formula, without reference or VLOOKUP, proceeds to evaluation
                        if (!value.Contains('@') && !value.Contains("VLOOKUP", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && value.Contains('='))
                            value = await SolveFormula(value);

                        // Try and simplify IF
                        if (FormulaHasIF(value))
                            value = SimplifyIF(value).Item1;

                        // Removes the '=' symbol from the beginning, if necessary
                        if (value is not null && value.Trim().StartsWith('='))
                            value = value.Trim().Remove(0, 1);
                        if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.EvaluatedValue)))
                            formula = formula.Replace($"@{references[0]}", $"({result.EvaluatedValue,})");
                            // Replace with value in text -- wrap new value with ( ) to correctly handle IFs within IFs
                            formula = formula.Replace($"@{references[0]}", $"({value})");

            return formula;

        private async Task<string> SolveFormula(string formula)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formula))
                return null;
                while (formula is not null && (formula.Contains("VLOOKUPs") || formula.Contains('@')))
                    // Replaces references with numeric values
                    formula = TreatVLOOKUP(formula);
                    formula = ReplaceReferences(formula).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                // Simplifies the formula's IFs, if necessary, to reduce its size and execution time
                formula = SimplifyIF(originalFormula).Item1;

                if (formula is null)
                    return null;

                // Remove '=' from the start
                if (formula.IndexOf('=') > -1 && formula.IndexOf('=') < 3)
                    formula = formula.Remove(formula.IndexOf('='), 1).Trim();

                // Solves
                var result = FLEE.Eval(formula);

                // Returns
                return result;

FLEE implementation

using Flee.PublicTypes;
using System.Globalization;

namespace FitApp.Models
    public static class Equacoes
        static ExpressionContext context;
        static Equacoes()
            // Flee context
            context = new ExpressionContext();
            context.Options.ParseCulture = new CultureInfo("pt-BR");
            context.ParserOptions.FunctionArgumentSeparator = ';';
            context.Options.RealLiteralDataType = RealLiteralDataType.Double;

            // Allow the expression to use all static public methods of System.Math

        public static string Eval(string expression)
                Flee.PublicTypes.IDynamicExpression eDynamic = context.CompileDynamic(expression);

                // Calcula
                var result = eDynamic.Evaluate();
                return Convert.ToString(result) == "NaN" ? null : Convert.ToString(result);
            catch (ExpressionCompileException)
                return null;
            catch (Exception)
                return null;

In this example (sorry if it will no compile, had to ommit some parts due to company policies), in order to display BMI, the user must fill Weight and Height. Then, @bind attribute in the BMI input will call the function RetrieveValue through the getter. The RetrieveValue function will get the field formula in the list, replace @Height and @Weight for its corresponding values, and then send the "translated" formula to the evalution library.

This example is pretty simple, and would work with no problems, but there are much more complex formulas in my system, which generates string with thousands of characters (imagine an expression with 25k characters, due to excel design of linking cells). Solving these big expressions is not the slowest part, but actually working with the string, replacing references with the correct values, which can take from 200ms to 4000ms

I tried string operations to reduce complexity of formula sent to the evaluation lib, but then realized it's not the bottleneck, its actually when I'm working with the strings.

Also, tried to using different Render methods on Blazor lifecycle (like OnAfterRender), so user could at least see the form while the values are dinamically being loaded, but did not work

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