jeudi 11 mai 2023

Adding a new attribute in Request object using lombok Builder


I want to add one more attribute TemplateId to the Request object. Currently the Request object is constructed in the function transform using builder like below:

public class DocFactory { 

ModuleProvider<Collection<Scenario>> dollarScenarioProvider;

public Request transform(String requestId, Product product) {
    Request.RequestBuilder.builder = Request.builder();

    BiFunction<Throwable, Runnable, Throwable> handler = (e, runnable) -> {
       if (e == null) {
          return null;
       } else {
          Log.error ("Failed to process DocumentRequestModule(())", requestId, e.getCause);
          return e.getCause);

    String errorMessage = Stream.of(dollarScenarioProvider.getAsync(product)
                         .handle((result, e) -> handler.apply(e, () ->                                                             

For the getAsync method in ModuleProvider, it's defined like so:

public interface ModuleProvider<R> {

default CompletableFuture<R> getAsync (Product product) {
     return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(get(product));

//other methods omitted

My questions:

  1. The attribute I want to add in Request is TemplateId, which is a string. This string will be returned by a function getTemplateId (which takes in the argument Product product and returns a String). It seems like maybe I should do something like:
                         .handle((result, e) -> handler.apply(e, () ->                                                             

But where should I put the function getTemplateId?

  1. I don't exactly understand what this code is doing. Is it related to Factory Pattern? I know the code that I shared is trying to construct a Request using builder, but the way is it done (using handler & ModuleProvider, ... seems obscure to me , could you please share with me your insight on why it would be done this way?
                         .handle((result, e) -> handler.apply(e, () ->                                                             

Thank you so much in advance.

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