jeudi 11 mai 2023

Versioning for child class implementation after factory design pattern

I got in to a design problem where I have different implementation for saving the data and processing other things for the different tools. I used a factory design for saving the data and same in getting the data from the database.

class SaveDataService {
  public void saveData(Data data) {

  public List<Tool> getTools() {
    return List.of();

class FishToolSaveDataService extends SaveDataService {
  public void saveData(Data data) {

  public List<Tool> getTools() {
    return List.of(Tool.FISH);

class DogSaveDataService extends SaveDataService {
  public void saveData(Data data) {

  public List<Tool> getTools() {
    return List.of(Tool.DOG);
class Data {
  JsonNode data;
  int version;

enum Tool {

So, My Factory mapper is based on the enum Tool

Now I have a version for each tool to maintain but the saving implementation changes for each version. How do I maintain this without using if else checks in the saveData(Data data) method implementation.

I tried simple if/else check for version the saveData method but it will prolonged to long if I have five different version and two different tools have same logic of saving for the different version. That is duplicating my code.

How can I design this version such that I can reuse my code?

I have 15 tools implementation in to total and I am starting with the version 2 of 3 tools in total but in future more versioning and more tools will come.

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