mercredi 3 mai 2023

Thin or Fat Structures

So say we have a User struct that represents some User object that in a web application. The User needs to be: Saved in the database Have their password set Sent an email to the attached email address

In general, there are two flavors of implenentation. One is to create a fat User class and add StoreUserinDB, SetPassword, SendEmail as methods to the User Class. This is the way that I am most naturally inclined to.

Another way is to encapsulate the three different methods into their own Classes/Modules, and then have a very thin User Class (basically zero methods, just fields) that interacts with each of these modules separately.

I know under SOLID design principles, the second way is preferred, but I would like to hear some personal anecdotes/gotchas for people who have used both methods, and could go through why one is preferrable over the other, and under which (all?) circumstances. On a personal note, I favor the first approach, because it keeps all of the logic and data in the same place, instead of forcing you to look across different locations to find the info.

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