mercredi 2 septembre 2020

How can I use MediaQuery to build theme?

started to learn Flutter so I'm thinking if is it possible to create a function that returns a ThemeData object, but inside this function I wanna use MediaQuery.of(context). I mean, I know I can create such a function, but if I use MediaQuery.of(context) inside of it, I have an error (MediaQuery.of() called with a context that does not contain a MediaQuery) complaining about the missing of MediaQueryProvider. I know I can use MediaQuery in child elements of MaterialApp, but I have a design problem now. Imagine this:

ThemeData getTheme(BuildContext context) {
  // I wanna be able to call MediaQuery.of(contex) here
  return ThemeData();

   home: home,
   // the getTheme() must be able to use MediaQuery. It takes a context and returns a ThemeData object
   theme: theme.getTheme(context),
   routes: routes,

Is there a way to do it? or event better, Should I do it?

Thank you for your help.

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