mardi 22 septembre 2020

code a simple logic problem in C to print pyramid pattern (emergency need help rn)

[Out put of code must look like this pattern ][1]

[1]:**strong text**

Instructions for code as follows No function can be more than 25 lines Each function can accept a maximum of 4 parameters Each file can have a maximum of 5 functions All the variable declarations must be on the top of each function followed by an empty line Use of for loops is forbidden Use of switch case is forbidden Use of printf or any other external C function is prohibited, unless explicitly mentioned

Only function mentioned in the subject is allowed

Your functions should not quit unexpectedly (segmentation fault, bus error, double free, etc) apart from undefined behaviors. If this happens, your project will be considered non functional and will receive a 0.

All heap allocated memory space must be properly freed when necessary.

Only the following libc functions are allowed : malloc(3), free(3) and write(2), and their usage is restricted.

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