lundi 21 septembre 2020

Call singleton class in spring boot rest api controller

I am new to spring framework. I have to use spring boot and have a rest controller as below :-

public class StatisticsController {

    private TransactionCache transactionCache;

    public StatisticsController(TransactionCache transactionCache) {
        this.transactionCache = transactionCache;

    public ResponseEntity<Object> addInstrumentTransaction(@Valid @RequestBody InstrumentTransaction instrumentTransaction) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED);

and I have a class which needs to be singleton :-

public class TransactionStatisticsCacheImpl implements TransactionCache {

    private static TransactionStatisticsCacheImpl instance;

    public static TransactionStatisticsCacheImpl getInstance(){

            synchronized (TransactionStatisticsCacheImpl.class) {
                    instance = new TransactionStatisticsCacheImpl();

        return instance;

    private TransactionStatisticsCacheImpl() {}

I want to know the correct way to call this singleton class in my rest controller. I know that by default the scope of a bean in spring is singleton. Is this the correct way to call the singleton class in rest controller?

public class StatisticsController {

    private TransactionCache transactionCache;

    public StatisticsController(TransactionCache transactionCache) {
        this.transactionCache = transactionCache;

    public ResponseEntity<Object> addInstrumentTransaction(@Valid @RequestBody InstrumentTransaction instrumentTransaction) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED);


We need to call it using the getInstance() method? Also do we need to explicitly have the getInstance method in the TransactionStatisticsCacheImpl class?

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