mercredi 26 août 2020

Convert JSON file into proper format using python pandas

I want to convert JSON file into proper format. I have a JSON file as given below:

    "fruit": "Apple",
    "size": "Large",
    "color": "Red",

    "fruit": "Almond",
    "size": "small",
    "color": "brown",


You can see the data in the details can vary.

I want to change it into :

    "fruit": "Apple",
    "size": "Large",
    "color": "Red",

    "fruit": "Almond",
    "size": "small",
    "color": "brown",


I have tried doing it in python using pandas as:

import json
import pandas as pd
import re
df = pd.read_json("data.json",lines=True)

#I tried to change the pattern of data in details column as

re1 = re.compile('r/|(.?):(.?)|/')
re2 = re.compile('r\"(.*?)\":\"(.*?)\"')

df.replace({'details' :re1}, {'details' : re2},inplace = True, regex = True);

But that giving output as "objects" in all the rows of details column.

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