jeudi 27 août 2020

Clarifications and Concrete examples of Software Architecture Patterns

I am studying Software Architecture Patterns and I am struggling to relate these patterns to modern development stacks and frameworks in a concrete way. It feels like there is a disconnect between learning design patterns / architecture patterns and then writing actual code.

For example, if you take the example of a react application, using redux for state management, with a Node / Express API, which uses mongoose as an ORM to access a MongoDB (so basically the MERN stack), which architecture is this? I could see making an argument for a layered / n-tier pattern, a service oriented pattern (or microservice if having multiple smaller APIs), possibly component-based structural pattern in the react client (or even MVC). Is this a hybrid, a Frankenstein or are patterns just out?

So my question is: Can someone explain, or point me towards, a concrete explanation of how these patterns apply to modern development stacks and frameworks?

I would greatly appreciate some clarification here.

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