mardi 25 août 2020

Append data into time series flow

i have big flow of a events from many devices. I need to inserts start and end points: events flow figure. Every event, excluded start/end, contains some calculated params that also need to provided in start/end points. But devices can send start and end points only without calculated params, but i need it. I can take that params value from first event for start point and from last for end point, but the main problem that place where all events are sends is a gateway and it does`t store any information about previous events. Gateway sends events into three different store, and start/end should be inserted on a gateway layer.

Probably i need some midlleware storage, that would be accumulate events and than i can extract data for start/end points, but i think that is a bad solution.

Could you offer more better solution for that situation?

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