lundi 17 décembre 2018

What is a good place to look for Java projects which are rather small and make use of design patterns?

As an assigment for university my group is supposed to analyze a relatively small codebase (10-20 classes) as well as make suggestions on how the code can be improved with the use of different design patterns.

Some of the requirements for the assignment are:

  • Identifying instances for each of the SOLID-principles where they are broken
  • Identifying instances where high cohesion & low coupling, Law of Demeter, Command-Query separation is broken
  • Recognizing the use of design patterns Most of the ones we Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library

  • Recognizing attempts at using design patterns, and explaining why they are failed, as well as it's implications an describing how it differs from a correct usage

  • Suggesting how at least one design pattern could be implemented to improve the code base, and suggesting general improvements
  • The code base chosen is not allowed to be educational content (from a University, Coursera etc.)

The instructions suggested finding a code base on Github, in the Java Standards Library, or using one of our own old projects.

Our issue is that we're having difficulty finding a suitable code base. Most of the ones we find on Github are either too big, too small or don't allow us to answer the questions above. Same thing with the Java Standards Library.

How should we go about finding a suitable code base?

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