vendredi 23 novembre 2018

Why do we need builder design pattern instead of a model?

The below is my understanding of the builder design pattern. Let us say we have a Product class as shown below.

            public class Product
                public string Name { get; set; }

                public string Description { get; set; }

                public int NumberOfProducts { get; set; }

                public decimal Price { get; set; }

                public bool IsDurable { get; set; }

The builder interface:

          public interface IBuilder
            void SetName(string value);

            void SetPrice(decimal value);

            void SetIsDurable(bool value);

            void SetNumberOfProducts(int value);

            void SetDescription(string value);

            Product GetProduct();

A concrete builder that has the setter methods and get the product object.

        public class ConcreteBuilder : IBuilder
            Product product = new Product();

            public Product GetProduct()
                return product;

            public void SetDescription(string value)
                product.Description = value;

            public void SetIsDurable(bool value)
                product.IsDurable = value;

            public void SetName(string value)
                product.Name = value;

            public void SetNumberOfProducts(int value)
                product.NumberOfProducts = value;

            public void SetPrice(decimal value)
                product.Price = value;

In a real-world scenario, the properties of the product should be populated from user inputs and not hardcoded like this. In that case, we need to send the product as well to construct the product object.

        public Product ConstructProduct(IBuilder builder)
            builder.SetName("My Name");

            return builder.GetProduct();

Use the builder object in the client as shown below:

public class Client
    public void AddProduct()
        ConcreteBuilder builder = new ConcreteBuilder();
        var builtProduct = new Director().ConstructProduct(builder);

Instead of using the builder pattern as shown above, why can't we use the Product model class itself, like below, when there are many properties to be added in the constructor(to avoid telescoping construction anti-pattern)? If there are any optional properties they can be made nullable.

public class Client
    Product _prod;

    public Client(Product prod)
        _prod = prod;

    public void AddProduct()
        // Code to add product

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