jeudi 22 novembre 2018

Call derived class method from base pointer list loop (OOD)


I ran into a simple issue, though I can't come up with a proper OOD for it.

What I have:

  • Base class
  • Subclass adding a new method foo()
  • List of pointers to the base class instances

What I need:

I need to loop through this list and call the foo() for objects supporting this method, i.e. objects of (or derived from) the aforementioned subclass. Or speaking generally, I need a "non-smelly" polymorphic access to a subclass via list of pointers to a base class.

Example Code

class Entity {
    // ...
    // This class contains methods also needed by subclasses.

class SaveableEntity : public Entity {
    virtual void save() = 0;

// SaveableEntity has multiple subclasses with specific save() implementations.

std::vector<Entity *> list;
for (Entity *entity : list) {
    // Here I need to save() the descendants of a SaveableEntity type.

I came up with some ideas, however none of them seem right to me. Here are some of them:

Method 1: dynamic_cast

As some elements are saveable and some are not, the most obvious way I see is dynamic casting:

std::vector<Entity *> list;
for (Entity *entity : list) {
    auto saveable = dynamic_cast<SaveableEntity *>(entity);
    if (saveable) {

However, using dynamic_cast looks like a bad OOD in this situation (correct me if I'm wrong). Also, this approach can easily lead to the violation the LSP.

Method 2: Move save() to a base class

I could remove SaveableEntity and move the save() method to the base Entity. However, this makes us implement dummy method:

class Entity {
    virtual void save() {
        // Do nothing, override in subclasses

This eliminates the dynamic_cast usage, but the dummy method still doesn't seem right: now the base class holds the information (save() method) totally unrelated to it.

Method 3: Apply design patterns

  • Strategy pattern: SaveStrategy class and its subclasses like NoSaveStrategy, SomeSaveStrategy, SomeOtherSaveStrategy, etc. Again, the presence of NoSaveStrategy brings us back to the flaw of the previous method: base class has to know the particular details about its subclass, which seems like a bad design.
  • Proxy or Decorator patterns can easily encapsulate the dynamic_cast, however this will only hide the unwanted code, not get rid of the bad design itself.
  • Add some composition-over-inheritance layers, and so on and so on...


Maybe I'm missing some obvious solution, or maybe the described methods (1 or 2) are not as bad and smelly in this particular context as I'm seeing them.

So what design approach is suitable in such situation?

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