lundi 28 août 2017

Design Pattern: Restoring State & Operation

What would be a good approach to resume both the state & operation of an object?

For example, when transition to a particular state, the object will need to perform a certain operation.

The problem is when restoring the state directly via the object constructor: it is not a good practice to perform operation in the constructor. So at this point, only the state is restored, not the operation.

enum State { OPEN, CLOSED }

class Stuff {

    State state;
    Timer timer;

    Stuff(State state, Timer timer) {
        this.state = state;
        this.timer = timer;

        // It is not a good idea to call timer.start() here when the state = OPEN.

    void open() {
        state = OPEN;

    void close() {
        state = CLOSED;


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