jeudi 24 août 2017

CoreData - Making Objects That May Or May Not Be Stored

I have an existing iOS project which I'm trying to change to use CoreData instead of Keyed Archiving. In my existing project, I often create objects when the user closes a modal view. Then I do some validation on that object, and if all is well I go ahead and store it. But if the object is determined to be invalid, I simply throw it away and throw up a validation message to the user.

I got nervous about this pattern when I started using Core Data. I didn't want to keep creating "temporary" objects in my database only to turn around and delete them. So instead I create the objects without assigning them to a NSManagedObjectContext. Then later when I determine things are valid, only then do I assign it to a context.

At last here's the question: Is this a valid approach? Are things commonly done this way? I'm worried as my use of managed objects gets more complicated, with more relationships between entities, that I may regret this choice. Am I unnecessarily making things harder for myself?

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