samedi 22 avril 2017

Rails: How to have dynamic attribute in a blog section

I have a software-DB architecture/design problem related to a blog application. Suppose I want to provide the user with the feature of adding sections in a page. Each page section can have many components which vary, depending on standard practices in web development.

For example:

  • A section with a paragraph and an image OR two such components OR
  • A section with four images or one Gallery OR two Galleries
  • A section with two paragraphs OR
  • A section with video and paragraph etc

One approach I can take is to build each type of component type, its MVC components, and use it when ever I need. But I am feeling from a design perspective if I have 1000 such components, I will have 1000 tables in active record. That's not efficient.

I am feeling the need of dynamic attributes generation OR using same table to store different types of components and just dynamically changing the view depending on a type attribute OR a factory pattern implementation(which I feel is a good candidate here).

I will really appreciate if you can help me out with this design or suggest some other ways of handling dynamic components generation.

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