vendredi 21 avril 2017

Asp.Net Cloud options for project (Pattern)

In my Asp.Net project I will create Factory pattern for download and upload and of course storage.Now my options are SFTP and Azure.I will select the option from webconfig like

  <add key="SelectedCloud" value="Azure" />

Shell I use always switch statement everywhere for selected cloud ?. I can not imagine I have not to much page in my project(6 or 7) that have cloud proccess. For example I will use in pge gridview onrowdatabound event :

 if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
         //here the switch statemnt
            var item = (Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob)e.Row.DataItem;

     ** // or in page load or in my crud methods..

Pattern something like :

 public interface IBaseCloud


 public class CloudFactoryClass
    private readonly IBaseCloud _cloud;

    public CloudFactoryClass(CloudType ftpType)
        if (ftpType == CloudType .Azure)
            _ftp = new AzureHelper();

        if (ftpType == FtpType.SFtp)
            _ftp = new SFtpHelper();


    public CloudFactoryClass(CloudType ftpType, string host, string pass, string userName)

     if (ftpType == CloudType .Azure)
            _ftp = new AzureHelper(host, userName, pass);

        if (ftpType == FtpType.SFtp)
            _ftp = new SFtpHelper(host, pass,userName );

    public IBaseCloud GetICloud()
        return _cloud;

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