1. Item database
I am making inventory with c#. Usually i write programs with python and that's why i have some design problems with statically typed c#. Because of lack of practise.
I've created simple Item database. I have a general class Item
. It has general properties like id
, 'name'... And to make new types of ojects I inherite from Item
class. For example Weapon
item. Here is the code
public class Item {
public string id;
public string name;
public string prefab;
public string icon;
public virtual string getTooltipText() {
return "";
public class Weapon : Item {
public int damage;
public override string getTooltipText() {
return "damage: " + damage;
As you can see every time i need to create new type of object, i need to create new class inherited for Item
All items I load to dictionary and it works awesome
public Dictionary<string, Item> Items = new Dictionary<string, Item>();
And create item class in terms of item type from database file
2. Question Part. Inventory
Right now I want to create an inventory using my Item database from the first part of this question. All items have general properties in user inventory. For example - quantity and ref to item from Item database. But main problem is that many items have their own unique stats. For example durability, speed, quality etc.
How can I design inventory item?
First idea
First idea (and it is ugly) is to create BIG class with all stast for all types of objects
public class InventoryItem {
//main properties
public Item item;
public int quantity;
//all properties for all other items
public int durability;
public int speed;
public string quality;
public string magic;
And I have to fill with zero and null all unused properties in terms of Item type. It is ungly and i don't like this way of making InventoryItem class
Second idea
Like in my Item database I can create separate class for every inventory item type: InventoryWeapon, InventoryPlant, InventorySpells etc.
And it looks better than BIG BOSS SINGLE InventoryItem class.
But I have feeling that I am doing something wrong. I am making double work. Every time i need to create new type of object, I have to create new Item in item database (for example public class Plant : Item
) and i have to create new InventoryItem (for example public class InventoryPlant : InventoryItem
My question is: The best way to create oject hierarchy for inventory prototype?
The best design?
Or maybe what I am doing wrong?
Or my idea with class for every type is right way of doing inventory?
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