For be clear, I'm just starting whit design patterns.
I'm doing a java program where i need to read data from different sources and in different styles. So i did a "multiple read-file" class where i read all these files and make an instance of the object who will store this data.
Example methods of the class:
public National readGeographic(String file_name, String name);
public void readPeople(String file_name, National national);
public Content readContent(String name);
Obviously this in not a very "OO principies" solution. (i can notice it now).
So i was thinking on doing this:
- Make an interface who defines methods to read, modify and delete a file.
- Make a "file type" with his own format.
- Make a class who can read it.
- Every class who needs fills his data from a file must implement the interface for read this kind of file.
The format of the file:
This is my Special file read class:
public class DataTypeFileAccess{
private ArrayList<String> lines;
private RandomAccessFile file;
public DataTypeFileAccess(String file_name) throws IOException{
private Iterator getValues (String type) throws SintaxisFileException { //get the values from a type
public List<String> getData (String type) throws SintaxisFileException{ // return the values from a specific type in the file
public int numbersOflinesPointer () throws IOException{
private void indexFile() throws IOException{
private int findType(String type){
private int findBegin(int index) {
private int findEnd(int index){
So for example in a class i implement the interface reader and i read the file in this way.
public void read(String file_path) throws IOException, SintaxisFileException {
DataTypeFileAccess reader = new DataTypeFileAccess(file_path);
DataLine l;
for(String line : reader.getData("Zone")){
l = new DataLine(line);
Is this a right way to do thing or is just as bad like the first version? there's a better way?
Every advice will be appreciated.
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