mardi 31 mai 2016

Benifits from using Mediator pattern with Command pattern

I've seen some production code where Mediator pattern is used with Command pattern.

To be concret, I will provide an example, that I have seen in some course.

public class Mediator {
    List<Light> lights = new ArrayList<>();

    public void register(Light light) {

    public void turnOnAllLights() {
                .filter(light -> !light.isOn())

public class TurnAllLightsCommand implements Command{
    private final Mediator mediator;

    public TurnAllLightsCommand(Mediator mediator) {
        this.mediator = mediator;

    public void execute() {

So, what benifits do we get from using Mediator here?

My point of view is the following:

  1. Commands are decoupled from each and do know nothing about colleagues, but it is achivebale without mediator (by just creating an invoker class, that takes Command for execution).
  2. In each command we get a new mediator object, and in command execution we just delegate the work to mediator.
  3. For each new command, that provides a specific operation, we should create a new Mediator implementation, or add new methods to an existing implementation.
  4. Being a client we can directly access both turnOnAllLights.execute() and mediator.turnOnAllLights(). I find it a bit confusing.

Am I missing something?

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