samedi 16 avril 2016

Implementing models, struct vs. class

Let's say I have a REST service which returns a JSON object with the following scheme:

    "id" : 1
    "name" : "Peter"
    "age" : 25

I have an application written in C++ which receives this object and deserializes for later use. I need a data structure to store the object.

I can implement that using either a struct:

struct person
    int id;
    string name;
    int age;

and having a helper function to initialize the struct:

// Returns a person deserialized from a JSON object
person fromJson(JsonObject obj);

// Usage:
auto personInfo = fromJson(/* JSON object from REST service */);

Or having a class with getters, setters and a constructor which takes a JsonObject as a parameter and does the deserialization by itself:

class person
    // Deserialized a JSON object and initializes the private fields
    person(JsonObject obj);

    int id() const;
    string name() const;
    int age() const;

    void setId(int id);
    void setName(string name);
    void setAge(int age);

    int _id;
    int _name;
    int _age;

// Usage:
person personInfo{ /* JSON object from REST service */ };

Given that the data will be stored on a client machine, displayed, possibly edited then sent back to the REST service, which implementation would be more suitable to use? Since I would use the data structure only to store data(using the setters/getters shouldn't trigger anything else than setting/getting the value) I can't really think of any benefits of one over another other than personal preference.

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