samedi 30 avril 2016

"Invisible" content is floating and repeat behave weird

right now i'm sitting on my very first website and encounter my first major problem which i don't know how to solve.

My problem is that the content is scrolling way more to the left then it should and when i zoom out the "Zig zag" pattern behave weirdly but i'm not sure why.

I have here a jsfiddle link:

    <div id="header">
        <div id="contenth">
            <div id="logo">
                <a href="index.html"><img src="" alt="logo" width="256px" height="100px"/></a>
            <div id="sm">
                <a class="sm1a" href="" target="blank"><img class="smh1" src="" alt="RSS"></a>
                <a href="" target="blank"><img class="smh2" src="" alt="Twitter"></a>
                <a href="" target="blank"><img class="smh3" src="" alt="facebook"></a>

            <div id="suchfeld">
                        <input id="suche" name"Suchbegriff" placeholder="Search..."/>
            <div id="shadow">
                <img src="" alt="schatten"/>
                    <a href="#"><img src="" alt="home"/></a>
                    <a href="#"><img src="" alt="referenzen"/></a>
                    <a href="#"><img src="" alt="kontakt"/></a>
                    <a href="#"><img src="" alt="Über mich"/></a>
        <div id="zig">


        <div id="content">


i can't post CS

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