samedi 23 avril 2016

How to name an interface which have create, save and restore metohds

Naming functions and classes is a difficult task for me, is there a foundation about this in the world ?

In a GUI program, this interface is used to create a concrete object of Window class, save and restore its state, hence the WindowManager could restore the whole GUI state in a loose coupling way.

class WhatName {
    Window* create() = 0;
    void saveState(Window*, Stream&) = 0;
    void restoreState(Window*, Stream&) = 0;

class Window {

class FooWindow : public Window {

class BarWindow : public Window {

class WindowManager {
    void registerWhat(const string& className, WhatName*);

    void saveState();
    void restoreState();

    map<string, WhatName*> whats_;

void WindowManager::registerWhat(const string& className, WhatName* p)
    whats_[className] = p;

void WindowManager::restoreState()
    Stream is = readFromFile();

    for (;;)
        string className;

        is >> className;

        Window* window = whats_[className]->create();
        whats_[className]->restoreState(window, is);

So what do you think ? What name will be good ?

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