vendredi 22 avril 2016

Dependency on factory or on created object

If i were to draw the following in a uml diagram, how would the relationship between the factory and the Validator classes look and are the MyObject and YourObject classes dependencies of the Factory class?

class Factory {

    public function create($data) {
        if ($data['type'] === 'myType') {
           return new MyObject(new ValidatorA());
        } else {
           return new YourObject(new ValidatorB());

interface Validator{
    public function validate();

class ValidatorA implements Validator
    public function validate() {

class ValidatorB implements Validator
    public function validate() {

class MyObject() {
    public function __construct(Validator $validator) {


class YourObject() {
    public function __construct(Validator $validator) {


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