dimanche 3 avril 2016

angularjs design pattern and best practice to get data from server

what im trying to achive is have an Model function that contain all the object behaviour, and a factory singelton that creates, save, update, and keep collections of such models, so that i can use them inside angular controllers.

For example i will use Users Model



window.interfaces = window.interfaces||{};
window.interfaces.Person = function(data){
  var self = this;
  data = data || {};

  //TypeCasting For properties
  this.id = parseInt(data.id);
  this.saved = !!(this.id);
  this.deleted = !!(data.time_deleted > 0);
  this.fullname = String(data.user+'');
  data = undefined;//clear data variable. we dont need it anymore

  this.first_name = function(){
    return self.fullname.substring(0,self.fullname.indexOf(' '));
  this.last_name = function(){
    return self.fullname.substring(self.fullname.lastIndexOf(' '));
  this.change = function(v){
    self.fullname = (self.fullname==='hello world')?'Was hello':v;


myApp.service('People', function () {
  var container = [];
  var self = this;

  this.all = function(){
    console.log('called all',container);
    return container;

  this.createMany = function(data){
     container.push(new window.interfaces.Person(el));
    return container;

  this.createOne = function(obj){
   var index = container.push(new window.interfaces.Person(obj));
   return container[index-1];


First question: does angular provide a way to create Models to be injected in services so that i dont have to save them in window.interfaces* ?

now in my controller i can have something like

 $scope.people = people.all();

 $scope.people = people.all();

<div ng-controller="ctrl1">
  <label ng-repeat="person in people">{{person.first_name()}}</label>
  <button ng-click="person.change('new name')"></button>
<div ng-controller="ctrl2">
  <label ng-repeat="person in people">{{person.first_name()}}</label>

using such approach i can contain behaviour of my objects in their own models,yet performance wise, how bad is this approach ? does angular watchers will easily track this or it will trigger un-needed digest cycles ?

Fiddle for example http://ift.tt/1qfFoFN

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