mercredi 16 décembre 2015

Which OOP design pattern(s) should be used to refactor this method?

I am new to Java / OOP and I'm concerned that I have a method which is doing far too much "stuff" - but I don't easily see how it can be shortened in a way which is not contrived / arbitrary.

Currently, the method (which is really just a template at this stage):

  1. Validates a user's Facebook OAuth token against Facebook's own servers - this is all done behind the scenes in a FacebookHelper class I have written.
  2. Catches any exceptions (most likely an IOException) thrown during this validation process.
  3. Asks the user to log in again if their token is invalid (if (authToken == null)).
  4. Else if authentication has been successful, tries to get the user record from my database.
  5. If it doesn't exist, adds the user to the database. (registerUserInDatabase).
  6. Responds with a personalised welcome to the user - after having registered the user if they were not already registered.


@ApiMethod(name = "getUserData", path = "get_user_data")
public Bean getUserData(@Named("token") String token) {

    Bean response = new Bean();
    FacebookAuthToken authToken;
    User user;
    String userPersonalisedWelcome;

    try {
        authToken = ServerFacebookHelper.getAuthToken(token);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        response.setData("Exception occurred");
        return response;

    if (authToken == null) {
        response.setData("Token invalid, please log in");
        return response;
    } else {
        user = getUserFromDatabase(authToken);
        if (user == null) {
            user = registerUserInDatabase(authToken);
            userPersonalisedWelcome = user.getPersonalisedWelcome;
        } else {
        return response;

Obviously there is already a huge amount of work being done outside this method, such as API calls and database reads/writes, but it still feels far too procedural and frankly "dumb". At the same time, everything it encapsulates is required in order to service this "getUserData" API request - so perhaps I am overthinking here.

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