mardi 29 décembre 2015

Singleton with static inner class and double-checked locking

I am reading about Singleton design pattern and evaluating different implementations. I have doubt with the below implementations:

A. Singleton Implementation with static inner class

public class SingletonWithStaticClass {

private SingletonWithStaticClass(){}

private static class SingletonInnerClass{
    public static SingletonWithStaticClass INSTANCE = new SingletonWithStaticClass();


public static SingletonWithStaticClass getInstance(){
    return SingletonInnerClass.INSTANCE;


B. Singleton double checked locking

public class SingletonWithDoubleCheck {
private static SingletonWithDoubleCheck INSTANCE = null;

private SingletonWithDoubleCheck(){
    if(INSTANCE != null){
        throw new RuntimeException("Accessing private constructor is prohibited. Use getInstance method instead");

public static SingletonWithDoubleCheck getInstance(){
    if(INSTANCE == null){
        synchronized (SingletonWithDoubleCheck.class) {
            if(INSTANCE == null){
                INSTANCE = new SingletonWithDoubleCheck();
    return INSTANCE;


Which one is better?

I feel we can access the private constructor with Reflection in first implementation where as second implementation is safe.

However, I am not going to use any of these in my production code, I will use enum instead. But out of these two, isn't the first implementation is broken when considered Reflection attack?

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

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