vendredi 25 décembre 2015

How to break and improve cyclic dependency without using proxy pattern?

My classes are depending upon too many other classes and I couldnot find ways to improve it. The problem goes something like below:

I have a ProductRepo, ProductFactory and a ImageFactory classes. ProductRepo does the db thing on products table and fetches rows as array. This array is passed to ProductFactory to create a Product Modal. Product modals also has images linked to it.

client code:

$products = $this->productRepo->findAll('...');
foreach($products as $product){
    //get images
    $images = $product->getImages();

Class ProductRepo implements ProductRepositoryInterface{
    protected $productFactory;
    protected $imageFactory;
    public function __construct(ProductFactoryInterface $productFactory, ImageFactoryInterface $imageFactory)
        $this->productFactory = $productFactory;
        $this->imageFactory = $imageFactory;

    public function findAll(...)
        $result = $this->execute('....');
        $products = $this->productFactory->make($result);
        return $products;

    public function getImages($productId)
        $result = $this->execute('....');
        $images = $this->imageFactory->make($result);
        return $images;

Class ProductFactory implements ProductFactoryInterface{
    protected $productRepo;
    public function __construct(ProductRepositoryInterface $productRepo)
        $this->productRepo = $productRepo;

    public function make($items)
        $products = [];
        foreach($items as $item){
            $product = new Product($item);
            $products[] = $product;
        return $products;

Class ImageFactory implements ImageFactoryInterface{
    public function make($items)
        $images = [];
        foreach($items as $item){
            $image = new Image($item);
            $images[] = $image;
        return $images;

So, I have following problems:

  1. cyclic dependency ProductRepo --> ProductFactory --> ProductRepo

    To skip this, I can use a setter injection or use a proxy pattern. But I think that would not a good solution. How do you guys handle this kind of problems?

  2. ProductRepo depends on both the ProductFactory and ImageFactory. Is this a good practise to depend on more than one factory?

I think the problems are clear. :) Thank you

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