dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Categorizing and Classifying of Data in Sql Server Table

In my database, I have a table Called GroupValHeader. In short this table has GroupValCode, GroupValName, and GroupCode. The purpose of this table is to categorize the data. Say I have Patient Table and a Patient can be Regular, Corporate, Camp and so on. So GroupValHeader contain data like this

GroupValCode        GroupValName                            GroupCode
------------        ------------                            ---------
REGULAR             A Regular Patient                       PATIENTCAT
CORPORATE           A Corporate Patient                     PATIENTCAT
CAMP                A Camp Patient                          PATIENTCAT
GOVTHEALTHSCHEME    A Patient From the Govt Health Scheme   PATIENTCAT
RURALPATIENT        A Patient From Rural and Triabal areas  PATIENTCAT
POORPATIENT         A patient from lower income group       PATIENTCAT

So the patient table has foreign key relation with this table for establishing Patient Category. Similarly have many tables have fk relation with GroupValHeader table.

So I want to know what this pattern is called. Any search keywords that could help. Search on the net did not help, so please guide.

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