mardi 15 décembre 2015

Initialise entity property from database query using sharparchitecture

I want initialise a property from the Factura Entity using Domain Event Pattern. The code in the constructor is:

public class Factura : Entity
    public Factura()
        this.Fecha = DateTime.Now;
        this.CodigoMoneda = 2;

        DomainEvents.Raise(new NuevaFacturaEvent(this));

The code in the handler is:

public class CompletarFacturaHandler: IHandles<NuevaFacturaEvent>
    private readonly ILinqRepository<Parametro> parametroRepository;

    public CompletarFacturaHandler(ILinqRepository<Parametro> parametroRepository)
        this.parametroRepository = parametroRepository;

    public void Handle(NuevaFacturaEvent nuevaFacturaEvent)
        if (nuevaFacturaEvent == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("nuevaFacturaEvent");

        var ruc = parametroRepository.FindAll().Single(p => p.Codigo == 2 && p.CodigoUniversidad == 1);
        nuevaFacturaEvent.Factura.Ruc = ruc.Texto;

But I get the following error:

An ISessionFactory does not exist with a factory key of nhibernate.current_session

What can I do?

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