jeudi 17 décembre 2015

awk grouping and sum of lists values

question on awk (bash)to sum values par item . Inputfile looks like :

    item      value
    item1     8
    item1     1
    item1     5
    item2     2
    item2     8
    item3     4
    item3     7
    item3     7
    Timely Total    xxx

    item1   5  
    item1   4 
    item1   3
    item2   4
    item2   1
    Timely Total   17 

my question : To have sum par item : i have code
awk '{a[$1]+=$2}END{for(i in a) print i,"has" ,a[i] " entries" }'

thats fine . but they sum the whole file for all item1's in all Timelytotals

I need a sum of item1 in Timely total1 , sum of item2 in Timely total1 , sum of item3 in Timely total1.
Sum of item1 in Timelytotals2 , sum of item2 in Timelytotals2 , sum of item3 in Timelytotals2 Similar for more Timely totals .

Thank you luc

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