dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Sinatra API feature toggle

The gist

Is it possible to bake feature-toggle-like functionality into a Sinatra application?

A bit about feature toggles, just in-case ;)

Back story

I've set up a modular Sinatra project, and I tend to implement a GET/POST/PUT/DELETE endpoint for all my resources; it makes it easier to test the app and manipulate the data while in development.


When I go into production I don't want the unneeded endpoints to exist (e.g DELETE '/users').


Can I annotate the methods with some kind of a :development flag, or maybe intercept the request in a before block? Would you do this using a helper? I'm not sure if I'm heading down the right path here, I'm probably over complicating it(?)

How would one go about this?

If you've done something like this it would be great if you can share your findings with the nation.

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