Something I've seen a sprinkling of times over the past few decades is slam valve type code where there is a contrived value which decrements/increments to force a loop to exit once a certain value has been breached or where a number of iterations have passed.
A bit abstract for you?
Some concrete examples:
File read
In this case, a file is being read in a data factory overnight so needs to be processed by a certain time in order for the system to be available in the morning. N.B. it doesn't matter if the file completes.
int linesRead = 0;
const int SillyAmount = 1000000;
while (!EOF)
text = ReadLine();
// Do Some complicated processing with the text
if (linesRead > SillyAmount)
Service conversation
In this example an object is gradually enhanced via service calls until the data is good enough to be processed later on.
int conversationLines = 10;
while (conversationLines > 0 && conversation.Status != Complete)
// Process conversation
(1) Is there a design pattern or similar for this sort of thing?
(2) In the absence of (1) and given that you're artificially exiting a loop, could this be deemed a code smell?
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