lundi 2 mars 2015

OO design - injecting factories deep into hierarchical class structure

I have a hierarchical class structure. Let's say I am modelling students in a city:

class District {
private Map<String, School> schools;

public School getSchool(String name) {
School school = schools.get(name);
if (school == null) {
school = new School();
schools.put(name, school);
return school;


class School {
private Map<String, Classroom> classrooms;

public Classroom getClassroom(String name) {
// similar lazy init code


class Classroom {
private Map<String, Pupil> pupils;

public Pupil getPupil(String name) {
// similar lazy init code

and finally

class Pupil {
private PupilProfile profile = new DefaultPupilProfile();

Each object is dynamically and lazily created as it is required.

Now lets say I want to use different implementations of PupilProfile depending on (for sake of argument) the pupil's age. However, I don't want to put the logic of which PupilProfile implementation is used in Pupil - I want to separate it out. I may want to change it in future.

I write a factory interface:

interface PupilProfileFactory {

PupilProfile newPupilProfile(Pupil pupil);


and my initial implementation:

class AgeDependentPupilProfileFactory implements PupilProfileFactory {
public PupilProfile newPupilProfile(Pupil pupil) {
switch (pupil.getAge()) {
// Case statements returning different implementations

This implementation exists as a singleton in my application (eg in the Spring app context).

My problem is that I now have to get this factory into the Pupil:

class Pupil {
private PupilProfile profile = new DefaultPupilProfile();

public Pupil(PupilProfileFactory factory) {
this.profile = factory.newPupilProfile(this);

In practise this means passing the PupilProfileFactory down every layer of the object graph, from top (District) to bottom (Pupil) via constructors or setters. Each intermediate layer needs to have a field for this factory, even though they only use it to pass it down to the level below when they lazily create one.

This strikes me as ugly (and a pain to refactor) and I'm sure there must be a better way - is there?

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