I have a simple one-player Card Game:
data Player = Player {
_hand :: [Card],
_deck :: [Card],
_board :: [Card]}
$(makeLenses ''Player)
Some cards have an effect. For example, "Erk" is a card with the following effect:
Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle your deck.
I've implemented it as such:
flipCoin :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Coin
flipCoin = getRandom
shuffleDeck :: (MonadRandom m, Functor m) => Player -> m Player
shuffleDeck = deck shuffleM
erk :: (RandomGen g) => Player -> Rand g Player
erk player = do
coin <- flipCoin
case coin of
Head -> deck shuffleM player
Tail -> return player
While this certainly does the job, I find an issue on the forced coupling to the Random
library. I'd prefer a way to describe the logic of my game entirely independent from it. Something like that:
erk :: CardAction
erk = do
coin <- flipCoin
case coin of
Head -> shuffleDeck
Tail -> doNothing
I could, later on, have a runGame
function that does the connection.
runGame :: (RandomGen g) => g -> CardAction -> Player -> Player
I'm not sure that would help. What is the correct, linguistic way to deal with this pattern?
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