samedi 7 mars 2015

Is it possible to initialize final fields while using the holder pattern to create a singleton?

Given the normal class

public class Dog{
private static final int LEGS;
private static final int TEETH;

public Dog(int legs, int teeth){

I can get an instance using Dog dog = new Dog(4,21);

But if I want to turn Dog into a singleton using the holder pattern, I normally do

public class Dog{

public static Dog getInstance(){
return DogHolder.INSTANCE;

private static class DogHolder{
public static final Dog INSTANCE = new Dog();

private Dog(){

The obvious problem with my singleton pattern is that I am not able to initialize the final fields LEGS and TEETH. Hence my question: How do I initialize the final fields while still using the holder pattern to create my singleton? What I mean in codes is that I want to change my getInstance() to getInstance(int legs, int teeth) while still using the holder pattern.

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