jeudi 15 février 2018

Hide non mutual methods in superclass facade

Is there a way we can hide the non mutual methods for types which are not qualified for the specific methods?

Lets say we have an abstract superclass with methods we don't want to expose to the objects themselves. We create a facade with the methods we want to allow for the objects. (We dont want to be able to set a cats age to 32 out of the blue.)

I end up in a scenario where i expose methods for a specific subclass that was actually meant for another subclass. (Even if we in the method can controll that the type is correct)


public abstract class Animal {

    //setters and code we want to protect

public class Cat extends Animal{

    private boolean giveBirth;

    public void giveBirth(){giveBirth = true;}

    //setters etc


public class Bird extends Animal{

    private boolean layEgg;

    public void layEgg(){layEgg = true;}

    //setters etc


public class FacadeAnimal {

    Animal animal;

    public FacadeAnimal(Animal a){
        animal = a;

    public void layEgg(){
        if(animal instanceof Bird){
            ((Bird) animal).layEgg();

    public void giveBirth(){
        if(animal instanceof Cat){
            ((Cat) animal).giveBirth();


So in this case we can control inside the method that the type needs to be Bird if we want to layEgg. But it would also be okay for us to let a Cat layEgg. Even though the logic is taken care of, it's still not very intuitional to give Cat the option to lay eggs.

I was thinking it's possible to create an "facade inheritance structure", where we for every subclass also create a facade for that specific subclass. But in the terms of extensibility, that means we will force future developers to not only create a subclass, but also an implementation of it's facade.

Is this the way to go or can we change the way we wrap this around?


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