samedi 24 février 2018

Konvajs and similar design pattern(s) in TypeScript

I hva been examining the source code of konvajs ( and i am fascinated by the design pattern, eg. src/shape.js (

    Konva.Shape = function(config) {

    Konva.Util.addMethods(Konva.Shape, {
    __init: function(config) {
    this.nodeType = 'Shape';
    \\ more code

Here it seems that the constructor of the class Shape passes the argument 'config' to the __init method not declared yet. Also the __init method is added to the class by the Util method addMethods. To me this seems like a flexible way of coding, that is if you want to add some new feature a utility class handles it for you.

Moreover, the default values for defining attributes is added by a factory class (eg. see the bottom part of shape.js).

So my question is:

Is it possible to implement a similar design pattern in typescript? Or is this design pattern not applicable in OOP-languages (or what ever typescript is).

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