mardi 27 février 2018

Elegant way of encapsulating behaviour that depends on the combination of involved objects?

In want to check whether two items collide in space. For that purpose both items are represented by some simplified geometric shapes - for simplicity lets assume these shapes can only be circles, polygons and lines. The items can be represented by any of these shapes and the collision-detection needs to be able to handle any of the possible combinations. I want to find a strategy that involves minimal code duplication and allows adding further shapes in the future.

My approach is the following:

public class Item{

   private Collidable bounds;

   public boolean checkCollision(Item target){
       return bounds.checkCollision(target.getBounds());

Where Collidable is the interface for any geometric shape and a possible shape would look like:

public class Circle implements Collidable{

   public boolean checkCollision(Collidable target){
      if(target instanceof Cirlce){
         //Algorithm for circle-circle collision
      }else if(target instanceof Line){
         //Algorithm for circle-line collision
         return false;

This however yields a lot of code duplication (the same circle-line collision algorithm would need to be repeated in the Line class) and does not seem elegant. I looked into different design patterns in search of a solution, but only ended up with this strategy-like solution. What would be a better approach here?

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