vendredi 23 février 2018

Property file based builder pattern in java

I have a property file which has the details of Elasticsearch hostname, port number, and the scheme.

The Elasticsearch RestCleint API provides constructors to instantiate a client object with the hostname and also with hostname, port number and scheme.

There are cases when an application is deployed to AWS it has only a URL which can be used as the hostname. The same application, when deployed in the different environment, will have all 3 properties.

Therefore, I have created a class which does some if else and tried to instantiate the RestClient basing on the availability. The code looks very ugly. I want to use a Builder kind of Pattern which handles this elegantly. But, I am unable to get an idea to implement it. I would like to request a help.

This is how my current implementation looks like.

public class ElasticSearchContext {

    private RestClient restClient;

    public RestClient getContext() throws Exception {

        if (PropertyFileReader.getInstance().containsKey("elasticsearchHostName")
                && PropertyFileReader.getInstance().containsKey("elasticsearchPortNumber")
                && PropertyFileReader.getInstance().containsKey("elasticsearchScheme")) {

            restClient = RestClient
                    .builder(new HttpHost(PropertyFileReader.getInstance().getProperty("elasticsearchHostName"),

        } else if (PropertyFileReader.getInstance().containsKey("elasticsearchHostName")
                && !PropertyFileReader.getInstance().containsKey("elasticsearchPortNumber")
                || PropertyFileReader.getInstance().containsKey("elasticsearchScheme")) {
            restClient = RestClient
                    .builder(new HttpHost(PropertyFileReader.getInstance().getProperty("elasticsearchHostName")))
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Hostname is mandatory");

        return restClient;



This is how my properties look like.


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