jeudi 8 septembre 2022

Passing the templated value to a pure virtual function - Observe design pattern

I am utilizing an observer design pattern for this simple use case whereupon a change in a Subject concrete class, the template value _x is passed to the subscriber via notify() however that will require Subject to be a template class which I don't want.

Instead of making Subject a template class, I made notify a template function instead and made Observer a template to allow the passing of a template value in update but that will cause problems inside Subject which doesn't need to be a template class.

Any ideas on getting around this problem without making Subject template?

class Subject;

template<typename T>
class Observer
    virtual void update(T value, Subject *) = 0;

class Subject
    std::vector<Observer<T>*> _obs;

    void attach(Observer<T>* obs)

    template<typename T>
    void notify(T value)
        for (auto& o: _obs)
            o->update(value, this);

template<typename T>
class B : public Observer<T>
    void update(T value, Subject* sub)
        std::cout << "Value set = " << value << std::endl;

template<typename T>
class A : public Subject
    T _x;
    void set(T value)
        _x = value;
        notify(_x); // want to pass T without making Subject template

int main() 
    A<int> a1;
    B <int> b1;


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