vendredi 12 août 2022

Use the Factory Pattern in Nest Js

I need to create a instance based on a query.

I have an interface like this:

import { GatewaySendMessageDto } from "./dto/gateway-send-message.dto";
import { IGateway } from "./interfaces/IGateway";

export interface GatewayInterface {

    sendMessage(channel: IGateway, data: GatewaySendMessageDto):void


and it's the basic method that my classes needs to implement

I create the Factory Class like this

export class GatewayFactory {

    public GatewayFactory(){}

    public getGateway (type) {
        let a = GatewayTypesEnum.Telegram;
        let gateway:GatewayInterface = null;
        switch (type){
            case 'Telegram':
                gateway = new TelegramService(??);
            case GatewayTypesEnum.Discord:
                //gateway = new foo();
        return gateway;


I need to create an instance of telegramService when the type is 'Telegram', but it has a dependecy like:

        @InjectModel( private readonly gatewayModel: Model<Gateway>,
        private bot: Telegraf,        
        private imagesService: ImagesService,


obviously, telegramService implements GatewayInterface

so in my GatewayService I could do:

async sendMessageToGatway(){
        let gateway = new GatewayFactory()
        return gateway.getGateway('Telegram').sendMessage();

How can I implement the Factory Pattern method when the service has the dependencies? Thanks

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