samedi 20 août 2022

How to perform action or render component before/after every http request in React?

I want to know if there is a way to create a kind of middleware in React?

What i want is to have an alert component show if there is a failing result for an http request.

Right now, i am making http request on login,registration,etc and i am importing my alert component in every page and setting the Alert component props like type, message, visibility everywhere i need the component, but i think maybe there is a better way of doing this.

Here is my code:


export const RegisterPage = () => {

  const [alertConfig, setAlertConfig] = useState({
    type: "",
    message: "",
    show: false,


const onSubmitHandler = async (e) => {
    if (!isFormValid()) return;

    const formData = new FormData();

    formData.append("password", formValues.password);
    if (formValues.provider.startsWith("8")) {
      formData.append("contact", formValues.provider);
    } else {
      formData.append("email", formValues.provider);

    try {
      const response = await fetch(
          method: "POST",
          body: formData,

      const data = await response.json();

      if (data.status === "success") {
        const { token, user } =;

        dispatch(setCurrentUser(user, token));

      } else {
          type: "warning",
          message: data.message,
          show: true,
    } catch (error) {
        type: "danger",
        message: "Ocorreu algum erro",
        show: true,
    } finally {
        { && <Alert {...alertConfig} />}
    ...more html

As you can see, i am changing the configuration for the alert inside inside the function that executes the http request, and i have to do the save for every page that performs this action.

I looking for a design patter where i dont have to repeat myself.

Hope my question is clear.

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