jeudi 24 juin 2021

Why use service container instead of new class

In what scenario should we use a service container instead of calling a new class directly? I read from Laravel official docs that it is mainly used for managing class dependency and performing dependency injection, however I am not sure if I understand it correctly.

For example payroll applications, we would have a Payroll class, Employee Class, Leave Class, Timesheet Class. So to process a monthly payroll, Payroll class would depends on

  • Employee Class (getBasicSalary)
  • Leave Class (getUnpaidLeaveCount)
  • Timesheet Class (getLateHoursCount)

Below is what I normally writes (without any design pattern)

Class PayrollProcessController 
    public function index(){
         $payrollObj = new Payroll();

Class Payroll 
    private $payrollMonth;

    public function process()
        // loop employee from database
        foreach ($employees as $employee_id){
             $salary = $this->calculateNetSalary($employee_id); 
             // save into db

    public function calculateNetSalary($employee_id)
         $employee = Employee::find($employee_id);
         $basicSalary = $employee->getBasicSalary();
         $basicSalaryPerDay = $basicSalary / date('t');         
         $basicSalaryPerHour = $basicSalaryPerDay / 8;
         $leaveTakenDay = Leave::getUnpaidLeaveCount( $employee->getId(), $this->payrollMonth);
         $leaveDeductionAmount = $basicSalaryPerDay * $leaveTakenDay;
         $timesheetLateHours = Timesheet::getLateHoursCount($employee->getId(), $this->payrollMonth);
         $lateDeductionAmount = $basicSalaryPerHour * $timesheetLateHours;
         $netSalary = $basicSalary - $leaveDeductionAmount - $lateDeductionAmount;
         return $netSalary;

If apply with service container concept,

Class PayrollProcessController 
    public function index(Payroll $payroll){  

Class Payroll 
    public function process()
        // loop employee from database
        foreach ($employees as $employee_id){

            $employee = app(Employee::class);
            $employee = $employee->find($employee_id);
            $leave = app(Leave::class);
            $timesheet = app(Timesheet::class);

            $salary = $this->calculateNetSalary($employee, $leave, $timesheet); 
             // save into db

    public function calculateNetSalary(Employee $employee, Leave $leave, Timesheet $timesheet)
         $basicSalary = $employee->getBasicSalary();
         $basicSalaryPerDay = $basicSalary / date('t');         
         $basicSalaryPerHour = $basicSalaryPerDay / 8;
         $leaveTakenDay = $leave->getUnpaidLeaveCount( $employee->getId(), $this->payrollMonth);
         $leaveDeductionAmount = $basicSalaryPerDay * $leaveTakenDay;
         $timesheetLateHours = $timesheet->getLateHoursCount($employee->getId(), $this->payrollMonth);
         $lateDeductionAmount = $basicSalaryPerHour * $timesheetLateHours;
         $netSalary = $basicSalary - $leaveDeductionAmount - $lateDeductionAmount;
         return $netSalary;


  1. Is the above concept correct?

  2. I checked again on the service container documentation, it is written:

    First, if you write a class that implements an interface and you wish to type-hint that interface on a route or class constructor, you must tell the container how to resolve that interface. Secondly, if you are writing a Laravel package that you plan to share with other Laravel developers, you may need to bind your package's services into the container.

    So can I say that unless we are publishing the payroll modules as a laravel package for others to use or to write unit testing, there is no point in using a service container?

  3. If we look at opencart's registry class, is that is similar to Laravel's service container?

  4. Take an example from opencart, so Language class is singleton design pattern, while registry is container design pattern?

    $language = new \Opencart\System\Library\Language($config->get('language_code'));
    $registry->set('language', $language);

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