mardi 29 juin 2021

Mediator Design Pattern: is this a correct implementation?

I'm learning and try to practice design patterns, I was trying to implement the mediator pattern based on this explanation, The code works as I wanted to do it, but as I changed a few things and implemented methods and classes inside the concrete class, I don't know if the pattern is correctly implemented, can you please comment on this.


namespace DesignPatternsPractice\Mediator;

interface Mediator 
    public function notify(object $sender, string $event);

class ConcreteMediator implements Mediator {
    private $component;

    public function __construct($component) {
        $this->component = $component;
        $this->family = new Family();

    public function notify($sender, $event) {
        if($sender instanceof Kidnapper && $event === "called_family") {
            echo "The family suspected a kidnapping, didn't responded the call and called a mediator \n";
        } else if($sender instanceof Kidnapper && $event === "called_mediator") {

        if ($sender instanceof Family && $event === "called_mediator") {
            echo "Mediator is ready to respond the new call from the kidnapper\n";

        if($sender instanceof ConcreteMediator && $event === "called_police") {
            echo "The police does not negotiates with kidnappers and the victim was rescued \n";

    public function callFamily() {
        echo "The family responded no to the demands and tell the mediator to call the police \n";

    public function callPolice() {
        $this->notify($this, "called_police");

class BaseComponent {
    protected $mediator;

    public function __construct(Mediator $mediator = null)
        $this->mediator = $mediator;

    public function setMediator(Mediator $mediator): void
        $this->mediator = $mediator;

class Kidnapper extends BaseComponent {
    public function callFamily() {
        $this->mediator->notify($this, "called_family");

    public function callMediator() {
        echo "Mediator asked for demands\n";
        $this->mediator->notify($this, "called_mediator");

class Family extends BaseComponent {    
    public function callMediator() {
        $this->mediator->notify($this, "called_mediator");

$kn = new Kidnapper();
$mediator = new ConcreteMediator($kn);

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